Shifting Gears To Solutions & Longevity
Book Maryam Henein aka The BeeLady & Start Your Journey Back to Health TODAY
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Maryam, it was delightful to talk to you this morning. Your knowledge of alternative and holistic methods, coupled with your insight and delightful personality, make you an exceptional mentor in the health journey. Thank you again for all of your helpful insights. ~ Victoria Laird
Now that I’ve finished my assignment studying the dark inverted matrix, I am focused on solutions and beaming my light to others. That includes putting my coaching and consulting skills into motion. Rather than expose the corruption (not that the MSM publishes my work anywhere anymore), I can make a difference one person at a time.
Since getting accredited by the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM), I've helped dozens. However, I’ve had very little time to sit with clients due to exposing the Rona Regime and Operation George Floyd. Until Now. By the way, even IFM initially stood by the COVID-19 kill shot. I was very disappointed.
I finished my IFM studies in 2019 as I was getting familiar with the world of conservatives via Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies. Up until then, I believed I was a Democrat. But they were increasingly behaving like Demon Rats, and I am not filled with hatred for Orange Man.
Now, of course, I realize that it’s all fake and gay and that it’s two sides of the same coin. It was an exciting time. And I do believe that while Agenda 2030 is very much still at hand, we may experience a lull or a Golden Age to bring us closer to the technofascist future that the elitists want.
Here, I would like to reference Dr. Curt Richter's Rat Experiment. Have you heard of it?
In the 1950s, a scientist named Richter conducted an exciting but brutal experiment. In that experiment, he placed a dozen domesticated rats into jars half-filled with water to test how long they could tread water.
Unsurprisingly, the rats drowned, but the idea was to measure how long they swam before giving up and going belly up.
On average, they'd give up and sink after 15 minutes.
But right before they gave up due to exhaustion, the researchers would pluck them out, dry them off, let them rest for a few minutes - and put them back in for a second round.
In this second try - how long do you think they lasted?
Remember - they just swam until failure only a few short minutes ago...
How long do you think?
Another 15 minutes? 10 minutes? 5 minutes? No!
60 hours!
That's not an error.
That's right! 60 hours of swimming.
The conclusion was that since the rats believed they would eventually be rescued, they could push their bodies past what they previously thought impossible. Remember this as we navigate the next four years.
100% Organic — Getting To The Root
I’ve been an investigative journalist for three decades and have covered Big Harma, vaccine dangers, longevity, autoimmune conditions, mold toxicity, and EMFs for the past 15 years. In 2011, I directed the award-winning film centinal documentary Vanishing of the Bees. I’ve also gotten certified in metabolomics.
I also have gone through a slew of health problems myself. I was hit by an SUV and dragged 49 feet, and the physical toll on my body, as well as the stress I dealt with in the aftermath, made her a prime candidate for an autoimmune condition. I was told I had lupus and fibromyalgia, which I reversed. I stopped eating gluten, dairy, and most grains in 2006. I am an early adopter.
Today, I eat a KETO diet and consider myself a biohacker.
I dream of focusing on content creation and inspiring, empowering, and educating people to live their best lives. But then the Rona hit, and well, humanity was hijacked. The dark side was indeed infecting me. I have been aligned with my soul’s purpose but stopped believing there was a way out of the matrix. Given the abovementioned rat experiment, I'm unsure if misplaced hopium is good. That said, the way out is to raise your frequency and know yourself to liberate from this Wheel. But this Substack is about allowing me to help you live a long, vibrant, healthy life that honors your temporary skin suit.
People do NOT believe I am 51 years old and that I have reversed Lupus and fibromyalgia and had to learn how to walk again after being hit by an SUV. I’ve been through hell and back and can help people save $$ and time with my guidance and knowledge. People want to work with those who know what it’s like to have a chronic illness.
I apply my sleuthing skills and the ability to connect the dots to help heal!
I offer a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means I look at how all areas of your life are connected. I like conducting tests and work with DUTCH. I also work with functional medicine practitioners and help them make lasting positive changes.
I can incorporate a reading if you care about your mind and soul. Every physical ailment is an opportunity for your soul to grow! I also offer an affordable 15-minute discovery call.
Rockefeller Western Medicine is Hellthcare, and it keeps you on a treadmill of sickness, with drugs often causing a cascade of issues. Not to mention our increasingly toxic environment. For example, pesticides that have decimated millions of honey bee colonies worldwide are also responsible for compromised immune systems in humans that manifest in various illnesses.
As a functional medicine coach, I will motivate you to cultivate positive health choices while educating and supporting you in achieving your goals through lifestyle and behavior adjustments.
Why You Will Love It:
As an investigative journalist, I ask many pertinent, intuitive questions and know how to connect the dots to uncover the underlying issues.
I will suggest supplements, tests, and books and give you simple tips to put you on track.
I have gone through my share of health issues, from being run over by a car to being diagnosed with lupus and fibromyalgia. Let my strife and research save you time and money. Don’t spend years understanding how to heal!
I am not just repeating what I’ve learned in a textbook. I have firsthand knowledge and experience, given that I reversed my autoimmune condition and found vitality.
I help people navigate health issues daily and will give you 50 minutes of undivided attention.
I am constantly advancing my knowledge.
After the call, I will email you a list of things discussed to help you begin healing.
Ask A Question (15-Minute Consultation)
True Healing acknowledges that issues with the physical body can offer spiritual lessons. Reverence for our body temple allows us to raise our vibration and become a more transparent channel to reach our full potential.
What can you learn from your physical ailment? What is your body trying to tell or teach you? Patience? The need to slow down? An addiction that is tied to suppressed emotions or trauma?
Throughout my life’s healing, every time I encountered a disease, chronic pain, or ailment, I was offered an opportunity to break a pattern and stretch my spirit toward reaching its full potential. It wasn’t easy. Living in chronic pain can drive you mad and make you angry toward life.
Body, Mind, Spirit & Soul
Listening to the body requires developing a relationship with your body's temple. I had to go on a journey within, and thankfully, along the way, I found different healers to hold my hand. I would have appreciated learning from someone who has been in pain and suffered severe health conditions, especially if they could have combined the spiritual aspect with diet and nutrition.
I’ve learned that part of this journey on earth involves reconciling with your mortality and recognizing that the spirit is eternal. In this lifetime, you must agree to learn certain lessons, and most of the time, it’s the flesh and disease that force you to change and live better.
For years, I’ve been working with people as a coach and/or consultant in functional medicine. While Western Medicine is compartmentalized and myopic, functional medicine goes to the root and considers the interconnected relationship of all things. Now, I am combining my intuitive psychic skills to help find out what lesson is being asked to learn and how you can make real changes for mind, body, and spirit.
Pain Is A Teacher
Pain has taught me patience. Fibromyalgia taught me to slow down and also reconsider foods that are just poison to the body, mind, and spirit. Breaking my femur and being outfitted with titanium taught me that persistence is genius. I never thought I’d walk, let alone run again.
You often learn something new about yourself in difficult situations, but you don’t make lasting changes to sustain these valuable lessons. That’s because the lesson is not fully integrated into your life, or you don’t have a consultant to help you understand what is at stake. Many people need a spiritual guide steeped in positive psychology to hold their hand through this learning process to help them become their best selves.
15-Minutes To Start Healing
Consults and coaching sessions are available. However, if you do not want a full-on consult or coaching session, you can book a 15-minute session for only $44.44. You can ask a question, and I will pull a card from a unique archetype deck I work with.
Your question doesn’t have to be based on physical health. It can also be a question to help heal your spirit or heart. I’m also clairaudient, clairsentient, and claircognizant, and I use my psychology degree to channel guidance for your highest good while addressing karma, patterns, mindfulness, astrology, and spiritual direction.
If you so wish, you can address complaints that include
food sensitivities
joint pain
gastrointestinal issues such as bloating, constipation, and diarrhea
weight loss
hormonal imbalance
and autoimmune conditions.
This 15-minute session is dedicated to YOU and your health and spiritual needs. I am here to guide you. Text me or email me. 323 640 9710
Learn about the autism and Alzheimer's connection and reversal in my podcast here: