Thank you for bringing more attention about CJD connections with the mRNA shots. In 2021 I lost a close friend who started showing symptoms of mental deterioration a couple of months after his second injection. His family, his physicians etc were all baffled. They wondered how a perfectly healthy man who hadn’t been sick in years could have developed such a horrible deadly condition. When I suggested they consider the Covid jabs none of them wanted to listen. I even spoke to Dr Bart Classen who had written a paper about the prion effect earlier that year. He was 100% certain it was due to the shots and said he’d talk to any of them. But “safe and effective” was so deeply drilled into their consciousness that they preferred to remain ignorant.

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Thanks, Maryam. This is an important topic, and one I've been concerned about and keeping an eye on for 25 years now. It will likely become more relevant as we move closer to the long-anticipated "singularity." I attended one of the first Ray Kurzweil events, which was Douglas Hofstadter's Symposium titled "Will Spiritual Robots Replace Humanity by 2100?" that was held back in April 2000 at Stanford University. Sun Microsystem's Bill Joy sounded the alarm about the risks of feral microrobots running amok, yet his concerns were not widely shared by other speakers that day. Bill Joy presented an impassioned plea that we relinquish and renounce further development of three potentially dangerous technologies -- genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and robotics. Joy's arguments in favor of relinquishment appear in an article in "Wired" magazine in March 2000. I posted my notes about what happened that day--not just the presentations, but the weirdly disruptive technological sound issues--on my website (before the days of blogging) at:


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Maryam, you may be (and probably are) correct about the vax ill effects. However, this is perpetuating the unsubstantiated false idea that there was a deadly novel virus that killed millions, that it can be created easily in a garage and that it will come again and that actions must be taken now by experts. This is where the problem starts and it grows from there just like the disease effects that you describe here. Stop people believing in this false story and (maybe) they will stop hurting themselves with solutions. (See J.J. Couey and Jessica Hockett on substack.)

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