Congratulations!. I certainly hope your solid work will help more folks learn the hard truths that they are hungrey for.

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Congrats on the surge in subs, it's well deserved i'd say.

The fact they promote the *exact* same Moderna vax for children as young as 6 months in Canada which is *illegal* to give to anyone of *any age* in the UK is one of those things that when I get a blank stare after telling people this, it really floors me and almost stuns and paralyzes me emotionally. It doesn't compute for me either, but in a different sense I guess.

Miss Woodstock seems like a real piece of work, thanks for covering this. There's no shortage of newsworthiness going on these days that's for sure. It can be overwhelming and I take my news in cycles but it's vital to know the truth and keep abreast of all the nonsense.

I'll practice brevity more in my comments going forward, apologies for rambling on.

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