i wanted to reach out to you Maryam to say you are so divine with that pure love vibe i can feel that emanates from you, and when i get wealthy in the near future i will be donating to your cause and will try to meet you at an event if possible ! May God bless you, heal you, protect you and lift you up !

thank you for all your work and efforts !

Alan David

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Jan 21·edited Jan 21

Honor you, Divine Miss M(aryam).

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Jesus, how easy it is to think we, the few real humans left and still being attacked, are totally alone in this war. But “they” really do such a number on us from a grassroots level (from the very top down) getting those closest to you to turn on a dime. It’s inconceivable, incomprehensible and impossible to explain to most people so they really understand and appreciate the horrible truths. Add the loons, trolls and bots spinning fake stories that sound similar, but with crazy fabricated twists, which pollutes “the real” of those of us who are honest, front line, blood-soaked warriors. With the perversion of the term “conspiracy”—which they have turned into a crazy-making word so in the end nobody believes anything you say or even cares to understand reality—it’s almost impossible to reach the masses and get them to focus. Suddenly, the entire world is unrecognizable and so unreal, and it is so very lonely as a result. This is not by accident—the isolation and feeling like you’re the last real person on earth. Like the last scene from the movie Invasion Of The Body Snatchers or The Thing, and so therefor terrified-unwilling to make contact with others for fear they are one of “them.” I don’t trust anyone, not even prior to the Fraudemic. It’s so strange, but I honestly feel grateful for being autistic; not “normal.” I’m certain it has saved me, or allowed me to save myself more than once in my life. I grew up trusting nobody and having to teach myself literally everything, starting with reading, writing and science. Thank God for John Gatto and the Carl Sagan’s in my life. I miss them. They, as well as individuals like you who don’t give up on humanity really do help the rest of us few strugglers suffering through this madness. Without your efforts and love for life, it would be almost impossible to keep centered and retain enough hope to never give up on humanity. Honestly, even if I confirmed I was all alone, I’m mentally incapable of giving up, and it’s exhausting. Again, I’m grateful for being “abnormal me” and not like the other normal, mezzed & mentally-diverged sheeple.

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I'm well aware now of the wonderful results from the use of frequencies on the cells...to heal...to rejuvenate, and rid one's Self of pain. Pain is the kicker. If one can retard the pain as life is

lived...staying in the present is not so very difficult. I encourage everyone to stay in the present, understand that love is more than emotion...it is energy; and I can work it!

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I like all 3 at once b/c I'm a raver kid at heart. Make PLUR great again.

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Maryam, love your honest honesty.

Nothing can stick to you Maryam, except through the time machine of the mind, using fear in the form of language to make the past present.

You are free, powerful, loving, wise, guided and protected.

The death cult is weak, predictable, without courage or love.

Their collapse is really a misstatement since they only appear to be, they are a shadow.

You are exactly at the right spot, take care.

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Everyone suffers a loss when they find out that the innocence and wonder that they thought was in the world was not true. It is like learning that fire burns. You have to experience it to know. And while it is better for a true understanding of the world, the loss is still a loss and demoralizing. The world does deserve suspicion and the only way to win (survive) is to recognize and plan accordingly. Would you have taken the experimental gene-therapy covid shot like your mom had things gone as planned? If the answer is yes, then you have come out ahead.

You said that the government is coming after you and you blame big Tech. Aren't they the same now?

When you reset, it will be with the knowledge of human frailty and it will not be as likely to be disappointing.

Your thankful approach is the difference between yourself and those that you describe.

Best of luck. I will stay tuned.

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OMG, girl! I got breast cancer.. What happened to Falcon Man? I met him about 1987 in Malibu!

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