“As Greg Reese writes in his book Sex Drugs & Om, about a completely different subject. “Once you start seeing the story that hides behind the main story, you can either start believing that the hidden story is true, or realize that the whole thing isan illusion, and give up on finding any external justice.”

In 1967 when I was 16 years old I met Rod Serling in a hotel elevator in New York. In our short ride together I asked him if there really is a Twilight Zone. He smiled, took a drag off of his Lucky Strike and said “Yeah kid it really is”. Fast forward to today and it’s quite clear that my whole life is one long episode of it.

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May he reap the rewards of being a traitor and murderer.

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This guy pontificating about the vaxx, is bought and paid for liar. Add him to the list. He's going under the guillotine

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This makes my blood Boil!! Literally! I hate/ love you for posting this. 😖 Thanks for the kick in the butt to keep fighting this.

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Someone needs to tie him to his bed & read him the Pfizer Documents Report compiled by Dr. Naomi Wolf & 3500 professionals to actually READ the 55,000 Pfizer Documents that Pfizer wanted sealed for 75 years!!!

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That wasn’t difficult at all.


It’s blood money & his hands are dripping in innocent blood. God knows & most know to follow the money. If I lost a family member & he was my neighbor, he would know me by name. 🙈

We must forgive, but don’t have to forget. We will never forget!

Revenge is Mine- Romans 12:19

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At the end, he should have said, “ I just wanted to reiterate that for the shareholders”. The “ public” already knows the truth, at least the majority. What an idiot! If he truly believed this, he wouldn’t have had to read from his notes. The info. would come from his heart. I bet a deep dive would show his affiliates & donors from Big Pharma, and he’s well compensated for his lies.

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He is just another Democrat who sold his soul to Pharma to pass “Obama Care”, reading Government / Pharma’s talking points off a piece of paper. In other words, a Useless Idiot.

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Check out CHD interview last week with Sen Ron Johnson. He talks with Attorney Mary Holland about how he could get NO ONE in congress to work with him. https://rumble.com/v4oeuho-weaponization-of-government-symposium-apr.-9.html

Believe there’s a part two. FWIW there were Republican governors paying people in diff ways to get vaxxed.

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Thank you! What a liar! Disgusting! 🤮

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Wow, thanks for sharing all you do, you are so APPRECIATED ❤️

Like WHAT??? That’s all I can say… it’s a gosh darn circus ( minus all or animal friends of course, that’s a whole other story) but just CLOWNS , like it just keeps getting better and better…

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Garcia’s top contributor at almost $32k is American Israel Public Affairs Cmte


Rep. Mike Garcia - California District 25 • OpenSecrets


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Ugh. Thank you for listening to this for us. What a clown.🤡🤡🤡

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I hate Garcia! Tweezed eye brow Mexican foolio fudge packer.

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