It is fake. This is in time with the United Nations Pandemic Treaty to take effect. Forcing everyone to get vaccinated, without any evidence necessary of an actual threat. That is the point of the Pandemic treaty. Forced worldwide vaccination. Depopulation will be the intended result. I suggest this would be a fruitful focus for your energies. People want to know what is going on.

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Surely, we are in the days of Noah.

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I had Dengue fever Twice in my 30 years in Indonesia. Almost died !Now I have found out that absulutly no virus has ever been isolated, let alone seen in the history of Alopathic Rockefeller Medicine! I also got Chikagunya, which was even worse, my bones ached for two years… it wasn't fun! Probably another Gates eugenic ideas!

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i am so glad my substack app came back…maybe because i only have one paid lol oops! we cant erase her here, wink wink. WTF whatever the”noble” cause is the implications of breeding much less releasing mosquitoes doesn’t take rocket science to see this being very problematic…

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